Holistic Healing Sanctuary

Select dates available!
Inquire for availability

~ Ayurvedic Indian Head & Foot Massage
~ Chakra Balancing & Crystal Reiki
~ Custom Energetic NLP Violet Healing
~ Meditation & Drumming Journeys
~ Oracle Clarity Card Readings

foot massage, foot reflexology, alternative medicine

Ayurvedic Indian Foot Massage

Crystal Chakra balance

Ayurvedic Indian Head Massage

Custom NLP Violet Healing

priest, priestess, wizard

Oracle Card Clarity Readings

Distance Zoom Sessions

Book an appointment

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Step 1/5
Booking calendar not available at this time. Contact Monika 250-231-2174
* Appointments are limited to 5 people per day on weekends. Masks are a personal choice at this time, intake forms are mandatory. We reserve the right to decline an in-person session. Online distance healing options are available for select sessions, inquire within. Thank you https://www.high-endrolex.com/39

Enjoy a relaxing treatment/Healing Session

In the healing space you can transcend into relaxation, restore your balance, tap into healing, replenish your body, mind & soul with our sessions, and feel better about yourself.

Roses can be used in essences, gem elixirs, baths, aromatherapy and teas to bring more LOVE energy into your everyday life. One of my favorites to work with along with Rose Quartz, the ultimate crystal of love and balancing our heart chakra center.


For more general information on Crystals, Energetic Healing, Chakra Balancing, and the use of  herbals, sound, meditation and massage as a lifestyle, please visit our blog.